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Quincy Mayor Koch curse curses Boston 2024?
Unfortunately – or fortunately if one is a resident of Marina Bay, the quickly cobbled together plans to site Olympic Beach Volleyball at Squantum Point Park are not only the rocks, the plan appears to have also added to the woes of Boston 2024’s already foundering overall master redevelopment plans to primarily so eventually redevelop commercially a large industrial parcel in South Boston.

Redevelopment targeta peter wilson twitter image

South Boston primary redevelopment target
A Peter Wilson Twitter image

In addition to the considerable display of local disinterest in hosting beach volleyball in Quincy after Beacon Hill and other nearby residents scuttled the original plan to site beach volleyball on the Boston Common, Quincy Quarry’s SEO market research department has spotted a massive uptick in Quincy Quarry website trafficking by parties in the Colorado Springs CO, Lausanne Switzerland and Los Angeles metropolitan areas.
Usoc headquarters colorado spring co<bra team usa photo

USOC Headquarters, Colorado Spring CO
Team USA photo

As Colorado Springs is the site of headquarters of the United States Olympic Committee (“USOC”), Lausanne the International Olympic Committee’s (“IOC’s”) headquarters and Lost Angeles the runner up to Boston’s bid to be the United State site bidder for the 2024 games, Quincy Quarry unleashed it world class corespondents to investigate the unusual Quarry website trafficking spotted by its SEO team.
While no one at either the IOC or USOC would confirm on the record or otherwise, it was quickly seen as crystal clear by all Quarry staff members that both groups were focusing on previous Quincy Quarry stories.
Deflated beach party plans of inflated mayor''s ego?  A trocel.com image

Deflated beach party plans of inflated mayor”s ego?
A trocel.com image

In particular, the trafficking of the Quarry website was especially focused on its many exposés about Quincy’s embattled incumbent Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s long as well as all but consistent history of construction project cost-overruns, court-ordered delay and various other legal sanctions as well as his myriad of other shortcomings.
The pattern of review by Los Angeles Quincy Quarry website visitors was also eerily similar.
Additionally, the LA-based trafficking of the Quarry site spiked shortly before a recent as well as apparently hastily called meeting by the USOC in Redwood City California that was arguably scheduled over its concerns about the foundering local support for hosting the Olympics on 2024.
Los angles olympic games sequel Olympic Org image

Yet another Los Angeles Olympic Games sequel?
An Olympic.org image

On the other hand, the Southern California Committee for the Olympic Games (“SCCOG”) is on record as saying in the wake of this meeting that it is not actively seeking to reopen the selection of the USOC host city bid winner for the 2024 Olympic Games.
Plus, with the SCCOG chaired by an attorney headed by an attorney, its president a sports attorney and its board fraught with entertainment executives, surely their word is to be trusted.
Still, the Boston 2024 bid has been repeatedly reported in other major media brethren of Quincy Quarry as in trouble, if not on life support.
Troubling media coverage on Boston 2024’s currently winning USOC 2024 host city bid goes back to at least March of this year in the Chicago Tribune; in April of this year in USA Today, including discussion of revisiting LA’s heretofore runner-up bid; in the Boston Globe in May as well as again in June;  and, most recently, by boston.com in July.
Olympic wannabe training for naught <a qq photoshop phun team photo

Olympic wannabe training for naught?
A QQ PhotoShop Phun Team image

Further troubling for local Olympic Sports fans is a June Wired Sports story suggesting how both necessary as well as how at this point it would be relatively easy to kill the Boston 2024 bid and which further prominently featured the hopelessly ill-advised proposed North Quincy site for beach volleyball.
Finally, as noted in the Greater Boston broadsheet, USOC head Scott Blackmun he denied speculation that the USOC is planning to give up on Boston, either by dropping the bid or substituting two-time Olympic host Los Angeles in its host city bid to the IOC.
Said Blackman, “(w)e’re not discussing the prospect of not submitting the bid,” he said.
In short, it is simply impossible to not at least suspect that embattled incumbent Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch’s history of backing of all but inevitably expensive as well as much less than successful plans has at least detrimentally impacted, if not also cursed, Boston 2024’s similarly dubious plans.
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