– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy Mayor Koch plan to provide parking ruined by City Hall squatters.
As could only be expected, duly embattled incumbent Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s much ballyhooed recent as well as reactive plan to do something – anything – in the face of repeated criticism of this one of his many shortcomings to fail to provide some much needed public parking so as to mitigate the considerable loss of parking in Quincy Center given the running way late and even more over budget City Hall renovation and Hancock Street realignment projects has proven to yet another bad joke upon those so impacted.


Three City Hall employee red parking stickers in a row
A Quincy Quarry News photo
Click on image to better see stickers on rear view mirrors

The key problems with this latest Q-up by the Koch Maladministration include the following.
The roughly 10 spaces the Koch Maladministration announced over three weeks ago that it would make available to the public in the City Hall reserved parking lot in front of the Quincy Center MBTA station instead ended up made available only for those doing business with City Hall as well as for only 30 minutes.
This taking care of City Hall insiders first, foremost as well as as usual yielded an only to be expected outcome: City Hall insiders both continue to use the newly marked spaces as well as for a lot more than just 30 minutes at a time.

One of two rides tied to City Clerk poaching scare parking
A Quincy Quarry News photo

For but one example from among many, it would appear that not only has the City Clerk has often parked his own vehicle in these short term spaces for long periods of time, so has someone else parked another vehicle in these spaces under protection of the Clerk’s business card placed on the dash.
Similarly, enforcement of the posted 30 minute time limit appears to be selective.
Specifically, Quincy Quarry stake out personnel spotted a previously outed parking space abusing City of Quincy parking control meter man sitting in his car taking a break right next to a City Hall employee parking stickered vehicle that at long overstayed its 30 minutes.

One fine imported VIP ride hogging two spaces
A Quincy Quarry News photo

Further signs of favoritism for City Hall insiders include that those with nice rides are taking full advantage of City Hall’s new City Hall business reserved spaces, including taking up two spaces so as to protect a particularly fine as well as imported ride.
Further as well as utterly inexplicable is City Hall’s insistence that its remaining reserved parking spaces on front of the T station continue to be reserved for its use until 6 PM daily even though it closes up shop at 4:30 pm on weekdays, as well as essentially earlier on most nice weather Fridays, and is closed on weekends.
City hall and friends parking sign realigned

City Hall first and foremost
Quincy Quarry News file photo

Expect Quincy Quarry to continue to run embarrass exposes about this latest Q-up by Koch Maladministration as well as its many others until such time as they might, however improbably, dissipate or,  more likely, a new Administration takes over City Hall and then cleans up Dodge.
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