<![CDATA[Pageant field damage
– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy snow clearing damage continues to appear around the Q as the snow continues to melt.
An observant Quincy Quarry reader sent it pictures of massive timbers that once bordered the perimeter of the Pageant Field parking lot shattered and then tossed about as if they were spindly kindling.
In turn, these photos are now featured in this inaugural Quincy Quarry Citizen Journalist Whistleblower feature series story.
Given previous tips from this ever-vigilant Quincy Quarry reader, the Quarry was so tipped off as to when this park parking lot was inexplicably cleared of snow by an out of state contractor in February at time when many Quincy streets were little more than snowy single track dog sled tracks and so exposed by the Quarry.

Cherry hill construction company truck at pageant field a quincy quarry news file photo

Connecticut construction company truck at Pageant Field
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

In turn, one can thus only logically suspect that this contractor, apparently a non-union construction company from Connecticut that was retained last winter per an assumed to be non-competitive bid contract snow emergency basis, did the damage.
Quincy Quarry did not reach out for comments from either Department of Public Works Commissar Dan “Spanky” Raymondi or City Hall over this latest discovery of costly snow removal damage as it saw no point wasting its time to so be ignored in return.
Pageant field damage

Parking lot timber shattered and upended.
A Quincy Quarry Citizen Whistleblower photo

At the same time, one can only wonder where were the City’s so-called “Snow Chasers” and who are tasked with managing local snow clearing efforts as well as so assuring quality control of the city’s private snow removal contractors.
Per but a cursory sampling around town, Quincy Quarry’s ad hoc damage assessment team estimates that the cost of damage done by snow removal crews that were substantially staffed with out of town workers, including a number of also out of state workers, will likely at least approach the mid-six figures range.
Replaced or misplaced parking lot curbing A quincy quarry citizen whistleblower photo

Replaced or misplaced parking lot curbing?
A Quincy Quarry Citizen Whistleblower photo

Further, with snow still melting, one can only reasonably expect that even more damage is likely to be so exposed.
As for costs incurred by city employees tasked to settle what are expected to be many hundreds, if not thousands, of anticipated damage claims filed by private property owners, this expense is further expected to run into tens – not many tens – of thousands of dollars more.
At the same time, Quincy Quarry fully expects that these office staff costs will never see the public light of day as per standard Koch Maladministration creative accounting practices.
Regardless, expect Quincy Quarry to continue exposing the myriad of costly as well as inexcusable problems around the Q.
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