– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News.

Potential Haz Mat spill disaster scene at North Quincy High
A Quincy Quarry Citizen Whistleblower photo
Quincy at risk of a hazardous material spill at North Quincy High School road reconstruction staging area?
Quincy Quarry Citizen Journalist whistleblower readers continue to deluge the Quarry with disturbing reports of problems around the Q in the wake of the Quarry’s launch of its new and hard-hitting Citizen Journalist Whistleblower feature stories series.
In this instance, an observant Quincy Quarry reader sent the Quarry pictures of a potential hazardous materials spill disaster in the making in the parking lot in front of North Quincy High School.
The so-featured leaning porta potty is feared to be but one more number two visit away from toppling and so laying waste on the school’s grounds.
Given both pressing publication deadlines as well as the fast-breaking nature of this latest Quincy Quarry Citizen Journalist whistleblower story featuring a potential haz mat disaster at the staging area for the Squantum and Hancock Street intersection reconstruction project, the Quarry was unable to contact North Quincy High Principal Robert Shaw for comment.
Concerns include that while the Quincy Public Schools District surely has evacuation plans for vacating its school in the event of problems inside any of its school buildings, it is unclear if the school district has any such plans for haz mat events occurring on school grounds outside of its school buildings.
Needless to say, count on Quincy Quarry to continue to follow this story until the crisis has passed.
As usual, nothing is on the level in the Q.