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Quincy’s recently announced fire hydrant adoption program already appears to  be an orphan, at least as far as City Hall adjacent hydrants appear to be concerned.


Another orphan City Hall hydrant
A Quincy Quarry News photo
Click on image to see hydrant’s tippy top

After much of the usual Koch and mirrors photo op announcement of a fire hydrant adoption program amidst a winter with no end in sight, the Koch Maladministration appears to have yet again dropped the plow as well as in near record time.
While Quincy Quarry dog sled team news crews have spotted private citizens clearing hydrants in residential neighborhoods as well as often seen how the crack maintenance team at Presidents Place and other private property owner/operators around the Q have done their best to quickly clear hydrants abutting their properties as soon as possible after storm after storm after storm after storm, ad nauseam, City Hall continues to appear to not learned its important safety lesson in wake of the devastating as well as expensive fire at old City Hall last September: clear off its own snow-covered hydrants.
Either that or it assumes that there are suckers who will do the work that city workers should be doing.
Regardless of the irrational rationale, both of the above hydrants were still uncovered fully 84 hours after the Valentines Blizzard wound down to but flurry.
Lunchtime photo of city hall vip parking   do you know where's the mayor?

Lunchtime photo of always plowed City Hall VIP parking – but does anyone know where’s the mayor?
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Surely but coincidentally, 84 hours earlier is the exact same time as when the City Hall employee and long suspected VIP free commuter parking lots adjacent to City Hall were yet again cleared down to the pavement before the most recent storm was finished laying yet another a deep blanket of snow on the Q.
While admittedly 84 hours is barely late compared to most other Koch Maladministration delays, it is still painfully obvious that old bad habits die hard.
Expect Quincy Quarry to continue following this ongoing snow story.
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