<![CDATA[Plow truck lunch break A quincy quarry news photo
– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy Quarry must only properly report that snow removal contractors are at least keeping the main traffic corridors of Hancock, Temple and Washington Streets at their historical levels of plowed.
Then again, The Ground Hog Day Storm is expected to only drop what should be a manageable 10 inches or so of snow upon Quincy Center.

A grateful contractor A quincy quarry news photo

A Grateful contractor?
A Quincy Quarry News photo
Click on image to better read truck door text

Even so, grateful City snow removal contractors are grateful for the business and so at least one grateful contractor is giving the business to the main and increasingly mean streets of Quincy Center.
As a result, at least traffic is able to manage to crawl through Quincy Center.
Quincy Quarry is, however, still awaiting word from its corespondents out in the field and traveling local residential neighborhoods by dog sleds, cross country skis or snow shows.
Fortunately, with the past as prologue, the Quarry had the good sense to retain a pack of trained St. Bernard rescue dogs as well as lay in copious supplies of brandy.
Unfortunately for profoundly stressed local parents, things appear iffy for a reopening of local schools tomorrow and so adding to the current streak of 5 days of Snow Days for local public school students.
Surprising well plowed streeta quincy quarry news photo

Surprising well-plowed street
A Quincy Quarry News photo

Possible impediments include rumors of numerous instances of sick days taken by Department of Public Works and Park & Forestry workers tasked with school snow removal suffering from food comas given excessive intakes of wings and beverages while watching last night’s epic New England Patriot’s come from behind victory in Super Bowl XLIX.
Expect more breaking snow news from Quincy Quarry as the news continues to break badly in the Q.
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No parking signs kicked to the curb A quincy quarry news photo

No Parking/Snow Removal signs kicked to the curb unused?
A Quincy Quarry News file photo


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