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Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s campaign fund books are yet again under review by the audit department of the Office of Campaign and Political Finance (“OCPF”) given obvious anomalies – a Quincy Quarry exclusive report.
The Koch Committee has been required to file regular reports with OCPF since the start of 2010.
Since the start of required filings with OCPF by the Koch Committee, its six most campaign fund report filings out of the seven required to date were found to be in error and so had to redone as well as then refiled with OCPF a total of 14 times.
In other words, over three tries on average per reporting period is the charm for the Koch Committee.
Now its first report for the whole Calendar Year for 2010, the oldest report that the Koch Committee has had to file, has been referred to the audit department of OCPF given obvious anomalies with this report as compared with Koch’s first of three required report filings in 2011.
Per the seven reports submitted to OCPF to date, Mayor Koch acknowledges receipt of $733,745.34 in campaign fund donations between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2013 – an average of just over $100,000.00 per reporting period.
One cannot help but thus wonder about the books for the city’s several hundred million dollar annual budgets given that Mayor Koch has shown himself incapable of managing to see that mere $100,000.00 range reports are right until the third try.
Additionally, a review of Koch’s Year-end 2011 report indicates that his campaign had to raise over $26,000.00 after the 2011 election so as to finish the year in the black.
Koch’s 2012 report further indicates that thousands of dollars in 2011 reelection campaign expenses were not paid until 2012.
In total, Koch spent almost $300,000.00 from his official campaign funds during the 2011 whereas his opponent spend less than $45,000.00 on her campaign.
Conversely, Koch spent only $159,000.00 in reported campaign funds in 2013 running unopposed.
Even so, both of his two 2013 QCPF report filings still had to be redone.]]>
Funny, I don’t see a post on how the Mahoney campaign’s report was also audited. Guess that degree in finance she has didn’t really pay off.
Ms. Becky:
If you can document that Mahoney was audited by the OCPF, feel free to submit a story on this and whatever else you can also document to Quincy Quincy for consideration for publication.
Also note that QQ will allow you to publish anonymously as per its policies for Citizen Journalist story submissions – see http://quincyquarry.com/guidelines-rules-for-citizen-journalist-submissions-to-quincy-quarry/#axzz3EdPQrAc9
In the meanwhile, QQ will reach out to the Mahoney Committee to inquiry as to whether or not its but three revised campaign reports were voluntarily done or in the wake of OCPF audit review.
If they were done voluntarily by the Mahoney Committee absent any audit by the OCPF, QQ will gladly post a retraction from you if your claim that her committee refiled c/o OCPF audit review turns out to be in error.
At the same time, it is only fair to note that the Mahoney Committee redid only 3 reports out of 4 and over arguably minor accrual/incident of the date of booking receipts and payments errata averaging a thousand dollars and less.
In other words, little more than parking tickets c/o parking longer than the allowed time sorts of problems or a late payment penalties on one’s Macy’s charge card.
Mayor Koch, on the other hand, has had to redo 6 of his 7 reports 14 times and now the 7th report is undergoing review by the OCPF.
Additionally, the problems with Koch’s claimed account balances often ran in mid-thousands range as well as that in three instances ran into the ten thousand, fifteen thousand and near twenty thousand dollar ranges, respectively.
Further, some of the Koch Committee’s mistakes included mid-five figure bills errantly dropped off of the books as well as all manner of contributions not properly booked.
For someone who has ran for mayor four times, one can only reasonably view such frequent – if not chronic – as well as sizable errors made by the Koch Committee as baiting of legitimate concerns.
Conversely, for you to endeavor to justify the Koch Committee campaign fund’s far more sizable as well as far more frequent filing “do-overs” post OCPF audit reviews in comparison with the far lesser ones as well as fewer ones of a first time OCPF report filing candidate as one of the more dubious defenses imaginable.