Not in the Q
Quincy is famous, or perhaps infamous for some of its residents and especially certain of its public officials misbelieving that Quincy is a large city.
In truth, Quincy, a suburb of Boston which is a birthplace of presidents and possessed of a rich history, has squandered much of its potential for fine arts, culture and more in recent years.
In other words, there are thus many things that could be – or should be – but are “Not in the Q“
Latest Posts from “Not in the Q”
Boston Secures Key MassDEP Permit Approval For Rebuilding Long Island Bridge
On Friday MassDEP announced approval of Chapter 91 permitting for the City of Boston to rebuild the Long Island Bridge and so wrapping up a horrific week for Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch.
#QuincyCityHall #SnowJob Cut And Run
Then again, City Hall is not exactly a place where heavy lifting — much less sweating from physical labor — happens.
#QuincyQuarry News #WeeklyFishWrap: Strike One, Strike Two, Strike Three And You Should Be Out.
Trifectas are nothing new in Quincy. this week’s trifecta, however, was a bit different, if not taking things to a new low.
#DanFlynnFlam Ties To Suddenly Closed #Success!RealEstate
Quincy Quarry News cracked open some old research files and so perhaps connected some plausible dots as to what may have happened.
Sphen, Same Sex Couple Member Icon, Passes Away
So significant an international figure was Sphen that he was accorded with an extended obituary in the New York Times.
Boston Ranked Eleventh Best City To Live In The World
Providence, Rhode Island and Worcester Massachusetts also made the list at 95th and 116th, respectively. Quincy, however, was nowhere to be found.
D-Day Eighty Years Later
War is Hell.
Boston, Springfield, and Worcester Rated More Livable Than Quincy!
Surely much to Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s chagrin, Quincy did not make the cut.
Storrowed Beer Truck Gets Storrowed!
In a development that surely saw local TV news outlets’ peeps at least snickering, a Trillium Beer Company truck was storrowed yesterday. The hook? Trillium makes Storrowed, a doulble IPA beer.
Weymouth Scores $336,000 Federal Grant To Study Local Traffic Safety Problems
No indications, however, that the City of Quincy will also be seeing any such funding in spite of a clear need to address ever-increasing traffic safety concerns in Quincy.
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