Featured Articles
Below following are “snarq-filled” featured stories about the news of the day, with most of it breaking badly bad news©.
J. Jonah White, Acting Publisher
Latest Posts from “Featured Articles”
#QuincyRedLine Track Out Of Service For Weeks For Repairs And Substitute Bus Service Imposed
Quincy straphangers are yet again facing delays on the Red Line while long ill-cared for track undergoes replacement starting today and running through Sunday September 29.
#MassachusettsStatePolice New Top Cop From New Jersey
Governor Maura Healey named a new head of the Massachusetts State Police and who will be its first leader who was not selected from its ranks.
#QuincyCommunityElectricity Working Out For You?
Quarry Quarry News is curious to hear how things are going for those who opted to go along with the City of Quincy moving them to its Community Electricity program
#QuincyCandidates Lose Their Primary Bids. Lose Badly.
This week’s primary elections results are in and all Quincy challengers lost in their bids to move up the political food chain.
#QuincyQuarryNews Weekly FishWrap: The MBTA Continues To Go Off The Rails And A Stabbing At City Hall!
The long troubled MBTA continues to make life miserable for straphangers via derailing maintenance cars as well as for others otherwise.
#QuincyQuarryNews Police Scanner Snippets: A Neighbors Dispute And Seven Doses Of Narcan
The long Labor Day weekend was off to a curious start per a Quincy Quarry News Citizen Police Scanner Monitor.
#WollastonMBTA Station #MigrantHomeless Relocated Out Of Quincy By Commonwealth
Governor Healey’s office was slow to offer comment until hours later with a statement that did not cover tukas.
#RedlLineDerailment Gives Rise To Bus Shuttle On Braintree Line
Needless to say, this latest derailment was not a welcome start to the long Labor Day holiday weekend.
#QuincyHomelessMigrants Continue To Camp Out At Wollaston Red Line Station
In the meanwhile, locals are stepping up to do what they can to help out with this crisis whereas local officials have only fueled this inhuman situation.
Whitman and Hanson Aggressively Seeking Border Collies To Rid Geese From Their Sports Fields
Many other communities as well as golf courses rely on Border Collies to shoo away waterfowl away from where they are not wanted.
#Quincy Quarry News Police Scanner Snippets: Evening Commute Time Stabbing In Front Of City Hall
Shortly after 7 pm these evening and thus before sunset, word was heard of a male stabbed and bleeding generally in front of Quincy’s two city halls.
#International Dog Day Is Today!
Every dog has its day and today is every dog’s day!
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