Citizen Journalism
Quincy Quarry truly believes in “Citizen Journalism” – the notion that regular people can often cover the news just as well – if not often better – than those who graduated from the journalism program at a certain Manhattan university.
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Latest Citizen Journalism Posts
Quincy Quarry News actually follows the cyberheisted Quincy Retirement Board money, unlike others …
For example, apparently perhaps not so much by the Quincy Police Department in what is Quincy Quarry News’ most complicated as well as embarrassing exposé presented to date.
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: Quincy Pension Cyberheist report hits the fan and Quincy Mayor Koch then opts to duck for cover
A close read of the long-awaited Massachusetts Public Employees Retirement Administration Commission’s report on the cyberheist of $3.5 million from the Quincy Retirement Board’s investment portfolio is embarrassing for the Koch Machine.
Chow down! It is National Boston Creme Pie Day!
While more of a cake than a pie, today is the day to fete the Boston Creme Pie.
Quincy Houghs Neck Fire Station tree cut down for use as a Christmas tree?
Core of a Houghs Neck Quincy Quarry News resource came a dime that a lovely Christmas Tree look tree that has long graced the Houghs Neck Fire Department has been reduced to but a stump.
Black ski mask wearing protesters risk Houghs Neck justice
The assumed to be NSC-131 members or at least wannabes also protested in front of the Quincy Police Headquarters.
Quincy seeks $23 million more for $173 million in total to build a new police station. #mayorkoch #quincypolice
Lawrence, on the other hand, just broke ground on a but $60 million new police headquarters, eighty-two percent of its cost will be subsidized by the state whereas Quincy is seeing bupkis from Beacon Hill.
Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s press flack foists his biggest canard ever so as to try to duck blame on $3.5 million
Mayor Koch’s veracity challenged mouthpiece’s statements are fraught with claptrap and are premised on a bogus false narrative.
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: Slow, slower and slowest yet to come? #mbta
Local media most well-warrantedly continue to pile on the MBTA over how its service on the Orange Line is still running slower than before it was shutdown two months ago for a month-long emergency maintenance makeover.
Quincy Quarry identifies two Nigerian likely suspects in $3.5 million cyberheist of City of Quincy funds #mayorkoch #fbi #sec #masp
While other local media have yet to report on the PERAC review of how just much more things when badly as regards the February 2021 $3.5 million cyberheist of city employees’ pension money, Quarry News is rolling out its second exposé of this financial Charlie Foxtrot.
Quincy $3.5 million cyberheist report finally released
Yet again Quincy Quarry has scooped its media brethren with an update on the $3.5 million cyberheist of money from the City of Quincy
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