Citizen Journalism
Quincy Quarry truly believes in “Citizen Journalism” – the notion that regular people can often cover the news just as well – if not often better – than those who graduated from the journalism program at a certain Manhattan university.
As such, Quincy Quarry welcomes all dimes and smartphone photos dropped its way.
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Latest Citizen Journalism Posts
Quincy Taxpayers hit with biggest Snow Job ever?
Late yesterday afternoon Quarry personnel cruised some of ever-increasingly mean streets of Quincy to see what proactive efforts might be underway in advance of last night into today’s bout of nasty weather. As should come as no great surprise to long suffering locals, bupkis had been done.
Hot Haute Cuisine no more?
After twenty-three years on his feet seven days a week, The Punjab Cafe’s driven master chief and owner Balwant Singh is calling it a day and retiring.
National Unplug Technology Day is Today!
Turn off your tech for a day!
Quincy Teachers picket City Hall given impasse on reaching a new union contract #mayorkoch #quincyeducationassociation
While all other city unions have reached new agreements, a new union contract for teachers has not been reached to replace the old contract which expired last year.
Quincy Snow Job exposé twofer!
While last night’s expected to be biggest local snow event of the year to date turned out to be slushy mess that mostly melted by mid-afternoon, intrepid and insufferably persistent personnel at the Quarry scored not just one but two exposés today!
Quincy Quarry snow report
Quincy dodged a snowball.
Quincy Quarry News Police Scanner Snippets: Armed Robber on Aisle Six!!!
Monday night got off to a bad start at a certain North Quincy supermarket per Quincy Quarry’s Citizen Police Radio Scanner Monitor
Snow Job: Brine before its time?
Quincy Quarry hit the every increasingly mean and now soon to be snow covered streets before the storm. Its findings were a mixed bad …
California apocalyptic snowstorm heading east
Further troubling is how on Saturday at least one local market had plenty of bread, eggs, and milk on hand as locals appeared to be lulled into complacency given the otherwise all but snow-free winter.
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: A slow week finishes with a Snow Team Six fail. #dpw #granitelinks #grifting #parkandrec #quincycityhall
Plus, the Koch Machine looks to have likely hunkered down this week.
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