Citizen Journalism
Quincy Quarry truly believes in “Citizen Journalism” – the notion that regular people can often cover the news just as well – if not often better – than those who graduated from the journalism program at a certain Manhattan university.
As such, Quincy Quarry welcomes all dimes and smartphone photos dropped its way.
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Latest Citizen Journalism Posts
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: Laboring along to Labor Day!
As we head into the late summer hack holiday that is Labor Day, Quincy Quarry News keeps laboring away with hard-hitting to the stones exposés.
New York Times comes out against dog parks via editorial page opinion piece essay
When the New York Times drops a load on something that has but as a modest neighborhood impact as do dog parks, the so-addressed problem is likely old news. Wicked old news.
“Free at last, free at last …” — Quincy Quarry is FINALLY out of Facebook’s penalty box!
While why Quincy Quarry was restricted remains unclear, as near as both Quincy Quarry tech and its legal counsel can tell, the Quarry was struck with a false abuse complaint denial of service hack attack.
There is no joy in Margaritaville
While Jimmy did not last until the astronomical end of summer upon the event of the autumnal equinox, he did last to the end of the meteorological end of summer.
Turtleboy comes to Quincy To Protest Norfolk County District Attorney’s Prosecution of Karen Reed On Murder Charges
The pugnacious to say the least Aidan Kearney who runs the controversial blog TurtleBoy Sports blog came to Quincy to protest the Norfolk County District Attorney’s prosecution of Karen Reed o
Washington Street Chainsaw Massacre Victims hanging on by a leaf
With chainsaw victims struggling to recover, Natural Resources Department has yet again been exposéd for screwing up on the job.
Sumner Tunnel renovation work to finish when promised!
Promise made, actual performance delivered on time. Whodathunk?!?
Migrant family lost on the mean streets of Quincy?
All looked tired to bedraggled far more than would be the case for lost tourists and the photojournalist on the scene found it found it particularly hard to look at the children. Painfully hard.
Yet another pedestrian whacking in Quincy?
This afternoon Quincy Quarry News Mobile Two happened upon what clearly appeared to be at least the third vehicle whacking of someone one not in an other ride this week at the East Squantum Street entrance to Marina Bay.
International Dog Day is today!
Without going into the innumerable reasons why dogs deserve even more love than they receive for all that they bring into their humans’ lives, such is lost on cat people.
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