Citizen Journalism
Quincy Quarry truly believes in “Citizen Journalism” – the notion that regular people can often cover the news just as well – if not often better – than those who graduated from the journalism program at a certain Manhattan university.
As such, Quincy Quarry welcomes all dimes and smartphone photos dropped its way.
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Latest Citizen Journalism Posts
Quincy Quarry News Police Scanner Snippets: A Thanksgiving Day Homicide?
On an otherwise quiet Thanksgiving Day evening, the Quincy Quarry News holiday coverage was advised of a suspected homicide in Quincy by its primary Citizen Police Scanner Monitor.
A Happy Quincy Quarry Thanksgiving To You!
In return, the Quarry hopes in return that readers will be grateful for their enjoying peace at a time when such is not the case everywhere.
Flew The Q: Thanksgiving Day Takeout Option No More?
Quincy’s long go to default for an affordable takeout for those who do not care to cook a Thanksgiving meal has closed up shop.
Quincy Property Owner Looking To Lose Liquor License At His Allston Nightclub
The, Boston Licensing Board is looking to finally be revoking the liquor license held by one of partners of LBC Boston per its registration as the Russian Benevolent Society and which originally was set up as a private ethnic social club.
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: This, that, and various others …
Quarry coverage started the week with a story about how local school bus drivers have been working without a new contract for well over a year as well as are now expressing their concerns about safety for students
Quincy Quarry News Police Scanner Snippets: UPS Delivery Truck Looted
Roughly around noon today a UPS truck was struck by more than a porch pirate.
Quincy Quarry News Police Scanner Snippets: Sexual Incident at Merrymount Elementary School?
Details are scare as well as only to be expected given the assumed need to assure any impacted student’s or students’ privacy.
Quincy Protests Peacefully This Week
Events leading to the recent reporting of the peaceful protesting of things in Quincy continues.
Homeless Camping at City Hall
While heading into Monday night’s City Council meeting, the Quarry reporter tasked with covering the meeting happened upon someone who appeared to be homeless and laid out on a mat in front of City Hall.
Quincy Public School Bus Drivers Express Safety Concerns
Drivers are asserting that lower pay for local school bus drivers than what other districts pay is making it hard to find drivers. Additionally, drivers are concerned that the school district has been cutting back on bus monitor staffing and is instead increasingly relying on older students to watch over younger students.
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