Citizen Journalism
Quincy Quarry truly believes in “Citizen Journalism” – the notion that regular people can often cover the news just as well – if not often better – than those who graduated from the journalism program at a certain Manhattan university.
As such, Quincy Quarry welcomes all dimes and smartphone photos dropped its way.
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Latest Citizen Journalism Posts
Post Tuesday Night Storm Damage Report
Fortunately, last night’s night heavy rain and strong wind event happened over night.
After Snow Storm After Action Report
Quincy dodged a near blizzard this past weekend, unlike points north and west of Wusta. Even so …
Quincy Quarry Police Scanner Snippet: Man With Gun Near Local School. Massive Police Response!
Monday afternoon in Quincy Point was disrupted by a 911 call apparently called into police by a school guidance counselor at Point Webster Middle around 3 pm about a man with a rifle.
Quincy Quarry Police Scanner Snippet: Head On Collusion In Quincy Center.
Around sunset today at 4:27 pm word was heard by Quincy Quarry’s senior Citizen Police Scanner Monitor of a head-on collusion at the intersection of Hancock Street with Chestnut Street
City of Quincy Department of Public Works Spreading Brine Before Its Time?
Spreading brine on a road before a snow storm can prove to be an effective step to help mitigate snow and ice accumulation. At the same time, how and when to use brine requires some thought even if not all that much thought.
Storm Forecasts Consensus Growing
As the impending nor’easter approach, various official,news media, and other forecasts are steadily moving towards a consensus. And as for the consensus, the consensus continues to move slowly but steadily towards likely to be more more snow from this storm.
Storm Emergency Parking Ban Scheduled By Quincy Police Department
With a nor’easter bearing down on Massachusetts, the Quincy Police Department has announced that a snow emergency has been declared starting at 9 pm this evening and then running until the police decide to life the ban.
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: 2024 started out with National Hangover Day, only to head further south.
Honest, January 1st is National Hangover Day.
Early Snow Storm Shopping Happening?
Have Quincy Quarry News’ ever-growing legions of loyal readers taken the Quarry’s heed and so opted to duly prepare for this weekend’s impending now expected to be officially declared storm warning? Perhaps.
Pedestrian Struck Near 1000 Southern Artery Senior Housing Complex Died
The deceased was an eighty-five year old male and was pronounced deceased yesterday shortly after 12:30 pm at South Shore Hospital.
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