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Flying high …
Image via USA Today

– News from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.


Amazon ships prime marijuana.


An Orlando Florida couple reportedly ordered from Amazon plastic storage bins of the sort often used to storage stuff in one’s garage or elsewhere, only to find sixty-five pounds of marijuana added to their order according to various media reports.


| quincy news

Wow man …
A thcfinder.com image

That and the couple called local police when they found out why their delivery was much heavier than expected.


And per Quincy Quarry’s media brethren at Fox 25 Boston, the potentially high flying shipment of weed was shipped out of Amazon’s Fall River order fulfillment center.


At this point, the couple is said to have gone into hiding out of concerns over their personal while authorities investigate matters.

Read Full Story: Orlando couple finds 65 pounds of marijuana in Amazon order


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