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Lights still up a tree
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive photo

– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News

Quincy finally takes down its Christmas lights.

For those Quincy Quarry readers who are still being nagged to take down holiday season displays, excuses for not doing so are now one fewer.

Last Friday City of Quincy Park and Forestry personnel were photographed by Quincy Quarry photo reconnaissance team personnel taking down holiday lights in front of Quincy’s two City Halls.

Overtime ghosts of christmases past A quincy quarry news file photo | quincy news

Park and Forestry vehicles voted most pimped out rides
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Amazingly for the benefit of long-suffering local taxpayers, the lights were taken down during the day on a weekday and thus one would like to hope that no overtime pay was to be paid for finally taking down these lights.

Quincy Quarry considered reaching out to city officials to inquire if only straight time was to be paid, but then decided not to bother asking as surely the response would be that such was a personnel matter and thus privileged as regards any such inquiries.

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