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Rod Blagojevich, one of many convicted felon former Illinois Governors, has filed yet another as well as yet again unlikely to prove successful appeal over his multiple felony convictions.
In a case that at least certain Quincy elected officials might want to take heed and following a brief brief by the 7th Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals that it would not be considering former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich’s appeal for a rehearing of his appeal for an en banc appellate rehearing of his largely unsuccessful previous appeal hearing before a single federal appellate court judge.

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Rod Blagojevich in happier times
Apparently a buzzquotes.com image

Per this appeal, Blago is seeking a sentencing rehearing in the unlikely hope that he might so be able to shorten his stay at Club Fed given that some of his lesser felony convictions were overturned.
A small problem with this appeal, however: his sentencing for the still remaining convictions entailed at some time served concurrently for at least some of these convictions.
In related developments, the convicted felon is said to be planning to file an appeal of his convictions up to the US Supreme Court, and which coincidently appears to the only among all of the commonwealth and federal courts that the Koch Maladministration has yet not yet both appeared before and lost, save for federal bankruptcy court.
Blago | quincy news's beloved "football"A Paul Mitchell haircare product

Blago’s beloved “football”
A Paul Mitchell haircare product

It is unlikely, however, that this pending appeal is likely to be undertaken by the Supreme Court as it typically only considers around 80 cases a year out of the roughly 10,000 appeals submitted to it annually and – quite frankly – the odds are thus against Blago being successful with this final Hail Mary pass so that he might be sooner reunited with his beloved “football.”
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