Snarq after Darq

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Things happen after dark, most of which range from the merely embarrassing to closing time really bad decisions made after too many adult libations.and given bad lighting.

Latest Posts from Snarq after Darq

Quincy mayoral final public debate prize fight tonight

Quincy mayoral final public debate prize fight tonight

<![CDATA[ – Quincy News from Quincy Quarry News The final public debates for this year’s local elections in Quincy will commence at 6 PM this evening in the Quincy High School auditorium. In an all too rare show of bipartisanship, the Quincy Republican and Democratic City Committees will be co-sponsoring this event. Then again, as local political […]

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Target on target with in store bar service and package sales

Target on target with in store bar service and package sales

– News from elsewhere picked up by Quincy Quarry News. Target (or should Quincy Quarry say “Tarzshay”?) announced what at least long suffering male companions on shopping trips to the mall will surely find to be the most significant relief to their suffering since department stores put televisions on display: in store liquor sales AND bar […]

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