Flew The Q
Stories about people and businesses that have left the Q for one reason or another, usually something unique to Quincy that makes life or success difficult for its residents and businesses.
As such, feel free to Submit Your Stories.
Latest Posts from “Flew the Q”
Boston Secures Key MassDEP Permit Approval For Rebuilding Long Island Bridge
On Friday MassDEP announced approval of Chapter 91 permitting for the City of Boston to rebuild the Long Island Bridge and so wrapping up a horrific week for Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch.
#QuincyCityHall #SnowJob Cut And Run
Then again, City Hall is not exactly a place where heavy lifting — much less sweating from physical labor — happens.
#QuincyQuarry News #WeeklyFishWrap: Strike One, Strike Two, Strike Three And You Should Be Out.
Trifectas are nothing new in Quincy. this week’s trifecta, however, was a bit different, if not taking things to a new low.
#DanFlynnFlam Ties To Suddenly Closed #Success!RealEstate
Quincy Quarry News cracked open some old research files and so perhaps connected some plausible dots as to what may have happened.
Last Call for #Halloween?
Last call for shopping locally for better quality naughty nurse and Batman costumes? This Halloween season could be it.
#QuincyIHOP Reduced to Rubble
Quincy’s IHOP® has been reduced to rubble to make way for another sure to be money-losing parking garage that is planned to be built for Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s arguably foundering redevelopment plans for Quincy Center.
#QuincyIHOP About To Be Popped!
The loss of the IHOP is the second Quincy breakfast restaurant to be put out of business by landlords this year and so reducing locals’ options for slow food dining for the most important meal of the day.
Two Long Time North Quincy Restaurants Closing
In two signs showing how Quincy is changing, after 117 years of operation in total of providing serious portions for reasonable money, both La Paloma Mexican food restaurant and the primarily a hearty breakfast hash house Wheelhouse Diner are calling it a day today.
No More Hop To The Quincy IHop
As a result of Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s latest multiple million dollar eminent domain land taking, the only local IHOP restaurant has so been forever shutdown.
Yet Another Quincy Institution Closing
The Wheelhouse Diner, a 77 year old local institution, will be closing next month after a settlement was reached yesterday on essentially the courthouse steps given a long ongoing landlord/tenant dispute.
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