Quincy Quarry News Police Scanner Snippets: A slow day for local first responders. So far anyway
After what has been a hot run of things happening in Quincy, Quincy Quarry News’ Citizxen Police Scanner monitor only had a few things to report today.
After what has been a hot run of things happening in Quincy, Quincy Quarry News’ Citizxen Police Scanner monitor only had a few things to report today.
No word, however, if the door tapped him on the tukas on his way out of Quincy’s police headquarters.
Handguns continue to plague Quincy.
Regional media continue to find Quincy a font for features stories, breaking badly bad news© stories.
Boston 25 reports that the latest Quincy house whacker was arrested near the scene by local police after he alleged whacked the house shortly before 2 AM.