by Jon Swift | Sep 26, 2019 | What the Q?
Shortly before dawn, the sound of helicopter rotor blades beating the air made it impossible for Quincy Point residents to hit the snooze button and then roll over for another ten minutes of snoozing …
by Jon Swift | Sep 18, 2019 | Less Important News
Madera County Animal Services took the bird into custody uninjured. At the same time, officers stated that they do not know whether the emu escaped from a nearby farm or a moving vehicle.
by Jon Swift | Sep 17, 2019 | Breaking Bad
The Acting Registrar made this announcement yesterday as well as added that even more suspensions are likely to follow given the still the ongoing outside audit review of the Registry’s hot mess at its Quincy-based Merit Rating Board.
by Jon Swift | Sep 16, 2019 | Breaking Bad
Of particular interest to Braintree Red Line strap hangers who have suffered serious delays in service given damage caused to train control equipment by the derailment, while the Ashmont Line control equipment has been repaired, the Braintree train control equipment is (currently, ed.) not expected to be fully repaired until the end of October.
by Jon Swift | Sep 14, 2019 | Only In The Q
Starting on Monday and continuing until October18, roadwork will be underway on Quarry Street. Traffic will be reduced to one way northbound only between Common Street and Furnace Brook Parkway, with southbound traffic towards Quincy Center detoured.