One Piece of Good News: Renters Finally Have More Negotiating Power
After years of landlords holding up prospective tenants for top dollar in Boston, the COViD-19 pandemic has turned the tide. Big time.
After years of landlords holding up prospective tenants for top dollar in Boston, the COViD-19 pandemic has turned the tide. Big time.
In this latest round of this ongoing war, President Trump has moved to force the popular China-developed and primarily Chinese-owned social media app TikTok sell off its United States operations.
As one might be able to sense from the socially distant taken photos, those gathering were not engaging in duly socially distant hoops.
The threat of cutting off the tab on deliveries of adult libations to working remotely Quarry newshounds was quickly meet with the provision of a long internally expected publication ready exposé.
First yet another otherwise eerily quiet evening commute was disrupted by multiple emergency vehicles flying along Washington Street in Quincy Point. And then came the noise of newscopters flying overhead.