Quincy street paving work continues to be a mixed piece of work
A number of local street repaving projects are running roughly a month late after the standard mid-November cutoff date for repaving given weather concerns.
A number of local street repaving projects are running roughly a month late after the standard mid-November cutoff date for repaving given weather concerns.
Last night’s perfectly forecast expectation of no more than an inch of snowfall last night was spot on the mark. Also spot-on was Quincy Quarry’s expectation that there would be no obvious effort to deal with the snowfall except for the usual snow job at Quincy’s City Hall.
As predictable as this evening’s expecting coating to perhaps an inch of wintery mix, Quincy’s City Hall was already overly-prepared. By midday, the City Hall VIP party lot was already heavily salted.
After an extended run of a missing old menorah during the December holidays season, it would appear that a new menorah has been provided so as to balance things to some degree as regards displays of seasonal religious displays on public property around Quincy’s two City Halls.
Since toll booths were eliminated five years ago, $122 million in tolls have yet to be collected and who only knows how more in potential fines for ducking tolls.