by Eric Blair | Jan 5, 2020 | Only In The Q
Given a continuing investigative review of the new $46 million Hancock Garage in Quincy Center, Quincy Quarry now exposés potentially grave safety risks in the garage via the Quarry’s first hard hitting exposé of the New Year.
by Eric Blair | Dec 30, 2019 | Only In The Q
Free introductory parking in the new Hancock parking garage near Quincy District Courthouse until next week notwithstanding, Quincy Quarry New happened upon a flagrant illegal parking scofflaw.
by Eric Blair | Dec 22, 2019 | Behind the Qurtain
Among other obvious concerns, the top and open parking level of the garage was not cleared of snow after recent snow events, thus rendering roughly a hundred parking spaces into basically a hockey rink.
by Eric Blair | Dec 4, 2019 | Behind the Qurtain
In the wake of last year’s modest election year average residential property tax increase of $120, this year homeowners are facing an average $271 increase, an increase of over twice both the rate of inflation for this year as well as last year’s tax increase.
by Eric Blair | Dec 4, 2019 | Breaking Bad
While one can only that many will assume that one get what one deserves when buying a Chinese product, the odds are good that the problematic subcomponent is American-made …