by Eric Blair | Apr 26, 2020 | Less Important News
Brad Pitt opened up his monologue portraying Dr. Fauci’s by thanking “… all the older women in America who have sent me supportive, inspiring and sometimes graphic e-mails” and then segued into addressing recent events.
by Eric Blair | Apr 21, 2020 | Regional
In a move most everyone saw coming, Massachusetts Governor Charlies Baker announced today that a return to classrooms this academic school year would not be happening and so leaving harried parents even more harried going forward …
by Eric Blair | Apr 7, 2020 | Only In The Q
Additionally, per a duly calculated death rate per thousand population basis, Quincy has suffered pandemic deaths at a rate two and half times greater than the statewide average.
by Eric Blair | Apr 4, 2020 | Less Important News
While social distancing may have upended non-essential commercial activities, Harvey Wongstein Productions has managed to pull together via collaborative working remotely existing video content to make an inspired remake of the science fiction classic The War of the Worlds,
by Eric Blair | Apr 3, 2020 | Only In The Q
Unfortunately for City Hall, the hiatus was but short one.