Why you might be drinking too much during Coronavirus lockdown
Fueling things is how one’s usual weekly schedule is completely upended. In turn, such gives rises to the sentiment that It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere rather than Waiting for the Weekend.
Fueling things is how one’s usual weekly schedule is completely upended. In turn, such gives rises to the sentiment that It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere rather than Waiting for the Weekend.
Owen Filer has seen and endured some of the greatest travails of the past century, starting with privation during the Great Depression and then the horrors of World War II. That and the loss of his wife of sixty years in 2004.
First the State of Washington State was among the earliest states in the United States to be hit by the Chinese COVID-19 virus and now it facing the scourge of the Asian Giant Hornet. While not locusts, close enough.
The Grim Reaper keeps reaping …
Quincy continues to be the top COVID-19 fatalities larger municipality hot spot in a county that is the top hot spot COVID-19 county in the designated hot spot state that is Massachusetts.