Massachusetts Residents Flocking To Massachusetts Beaches and Parks in Record Numbers
After all, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is thought to be spread far more easily indoors than outdoors.
After all, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is thought to be spread far more easily indoors than outdoors.
Theories on what is fueling the skyrocketing upsurge in fireworks firings range from boredom arising from sheltering in place to conspiracy theories of a government sleep-deprivation Pysch-Ops program.
While John Adams found slavery abhorrent and thus never engaged in it, John Hancock bought, sold and retained slaves.
Earlier this week, the Quincy City Council approved Mayor Koch’s $340 million Fiscal Year 2021 budget and the Koch Machine so yet again promulgated an at best partial truth.
From frequent flying air warriors to white-knuckling it aerophobiacs, domestic flyers and especially those flying coach are looking at flights feeling even longer as inflight beverage service is going to be drastically curtained.