Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch folds under pressure over his dissing Abigail Adams
Fold like a cheap suit fold.
Fold like a cheap suit fold.
As bad decisions by suits at a cobbled-together nationwide conglomerate based upon mostly local newspapers continues to implode and so now have impose yet another round of cost-cutting, Quincy Quarry News continues to conversely grow its evergrowing legions of loyal readers.
About the only thing of bemusement to the Quincy Quarry newsroom this week was Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s attempt to hijack a presser on settlement money coming the Commonwealth’s way to help deal with the opioid crisis.
Needless to say, Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry to monitor this frozen mound and report back as might so yield comic relief.
It would appear that the Quarry’s hectoring of the Koch Administration over the apparent plowing of snow off of Kim Jong Koch Plaza in front of City Hall by its maintenance crew into a handicapped parking spot that serves City Hall looks to have worked.