Quincy City Council meeting approval of record-setting budget spending increase not streamed live by QATV
As such, please be advised that Quincy Mayor Koch continues to spend as might a sailor on shore leave after two years at sea.
As such, please be advised that Quincy Mayor Koch continues to spend as might a sailor on shore leave after two years at sea.
“My Fiscal Year2023 budget is level-funded except where costs went up …”
In short, Karma happens!
In a development that left even the hard-bitten Quincy Quarry News crew in a state of disbelief, came an image from a Citizen Photojournalist of an expensive to build granite-lined planter box in Quincy Center that was unplanted.
While for the most part this past week, Quincy Quarry News featured the usual sorts of failed reseeding of trashed turf, potholes, and traffic hazard exposés, there is no denying that this week featured a Friday the Thirteenth.