President Trump facing even more stormy weather care of Stormy?
Stormy Daniels, the adult film performer who claims she had an affair with then citizen Donald Trump a dozen years ago, threatened to call off a nondisclosure agreement about the putative affair just weeks before the 2016 elections.

Fake News is an existential crisis for social media
– News from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added. Fake News is an existential crisis for social media. The funny thing about fake news, however, is how mind-numbingly boring it can be. Wicked mind-numbing. Not so...
Russian election hackers were not all that clever after all?
– News from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added. Russian election hackers were not all that clever after all? Trolling is most definitely an art form (granted, not one of the higher ones), and the Russians working at the Internet Research...