by Carl Woodward | Aug 12, 2019 | Regional
Yet again the Boston tabloid’s Howie Carr has laid into into fat cat hacks literally pigging out on other people’s money and this time one of his primary targets is Quincy’s current Ward 5 ward heeler.
by Carl Woodward | Aug 2, 2019 | Not in the Q
Then again, there were only around a couple of dozen or so Quincy ferry boat commuters undertaking weekday round trips before service was suspended …
by Carl Woodward | Jul 31, 2019 | Regional
While the joint committee was able to effect a dog and pony show photo op, absent all manner of important information and given that the accounting firm of Grant Thornton is still conducting a forensic audit, the hearing was ultimately a grandstanding photo op of a dog and pony show …
by Carl Woodward | Jul 30, 2019 | Breaking Bad
In a delicious twist that probably could only happen in Boston politics, the daughter-in-law of the late longtime Boston Mayor Tom Menino’s has emerged as a star witness for the prosecution in the extortion trial of two top aides to current Boston Mayor Martin Walsh.
by Carl Woodward | Jul 30, 2019 | Breaking Bad
Apparently, the joint committee requesting the documents does not care to wait a bit to see possibly legally incriminating evidence is duly handled until such time as its public provision might be kosher …