Sumner Tunnel renovation work to finish when promised!
Promise made, actual performance delivered on time. Whodathunk?!?
Promise made, actual performance delivered on time. Whodathunk?!?
Not only has this summer’s interminable rain continued to fall, so too continues the usual sorts of things in Quincy that most other communities would not care to weather.
Quincy Quarry News’ Citizen Police Scanner monitor has reported two incidents of note over this weekend. So far just two anyway.
A Quincy Quarry reader advised the Quarry of word of a police cruiser striking a pedestrian along Burgin Parkway in the vicinity of Burgin’s intersection with Dimmock Street Wednesday evening.
The Quincy Quarry News’ Traffic and Trafficking Desk has found that the ever-growing legions of loyal Quincy Quarry readers have grown at rates that are outstripping the Quarry’s suits’ most optimistic expectations!