British Pub landlord installs electric fence around bar
While pub’s customers are respecting the fencing and it has generated a lot of laughs, the pub’s insurance broker.is not amused.
While pub’s customers are respecting the fencing and it has generated a lot of laughs, the pub’s insurance broker.is not amused.
While the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly disrupted most everyone, at least this group of Saturday morning yoga devotes have some up with a social distant way to seek inner peace and personal tranquility.
After months of pandemic closures, British pubs were allowed to reopen on the Fourth of July. Ponder the irony ..
Cleaning up the spent fireworks left behind locally, however, remains to be seen.
Unclear, however, is if the relatively few outbursts of gunpowder fireworks last night is a sign that local pyromaniacs have shot off their wads or if last night’s natural fireworks of lightning and thunder subjected them to a cold shower.