Today is National Doughnut Day! #doughnuts #donuts #junkfood
As such, today is thus one of the High Holy Days within the Quincy Quarry Newsroom along with other junk food days as well as the various adult libation days.
As such, today is thus one of the High Holy Days within the Quincy Quarry Newsroom along with other junk food days as well as the various adult libation days.
Looking for a Fathers’ Day gift that Dad will actually enjoy using? If so Miller Lite has one for you even if it will end up going up in smoke.
While Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch is facing deserved heat for kicking the beloved statue of Abigail Adams, easily the most important female figure of the early days of the United States to an out of the way new home, the Quarry’s media brethren at Boston 25 have been very actively reporting on important women during this month’s Women’s History Month.
Then again, when it comes to females, especially those of substance, Quincy Mayor Koch can readily be argued to be an old-school boyo.
The Mount Koch Glacier in front of Old City Hall on Kim Jong Koch Plaza has legged it out until the official start of spring today!