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Slàinte Mhath!
Image via Instagram

While Quincy Quarry News can only properly note that Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch is no longer one to imbibe, his ties to past local St Patrick’s Day revelries have resulted in his experiencing multiple changes in venue as well as suffer the Quarry publishing amusing anecdotes of events.

For example, the end of the long ongoing long low groaning holdings of Quincy’s laughable attempt to ape Boston’s St. Patrick’s Day Roast at the event’s long time venue at the local go to social organization of sort for such things after a particularly less than responsible set of events.

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A City of Quincy image

Similarly, handsy misbehavior by a senior city official and thus a Koch Machine capo a couple of years surely made at least this city official persona non grata at a local venue on the local amateur night of the year.

In any event, this rookie grade mistake at an arguably Irish-named establishment in Marina Bay invariably busy on St. Patrick’s Day was what it was.

Also problematic, a more recent venue for Mayor Koch’s St. Patrick’s Day moveable beast of corned beef and cabbage was the site of a recent shooting.

In turn, such poses at least the potential for bad press — if not also bad Juju — for a St. Patrick’s Day return.

Further problematic, this year St. Patrick’s Day yet again coincides with the Evacuation Day holiday as an official holiday in some Eastern Massachusetts venues.

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Drinking – er, ah, dining at the public trough
A Melissa K. Norris image

As such, celebrating St. Patrick on a Monday would likely undermine attendees’ so-called work performance for as much as the whole week at their all too typical sinecures dining at the public trough.

Conversely, opting for a Friday or a weekend celebration pose the need to have to assign Quarry personnel to monitor various venues.

Not that any of them would might abusing their Quincy Quarry News expense accounts casing local watering holes so as to endeavor to score the local news of the day..

Quincyquarry budsman

Beer here!
A Quincy Quarry News staff member

In any event, the Quarry suspect that this year the annual bacchanal of corned beef and green beer will be relocating even though at this post the options are pretty much down to The Fours, The Irish, and The Outpost as bingo fields for this year’s revelries.

In turn, while going out on a limb, the Quarry’s City Editor is going with The Irish as the likely venue this year. 

Reasons include that it is within an easy walk of the mayor”s residence and — arguably more importantly —  first up on The Irish’s menu is plain chicken fingers even though it would likely have to custom prepare and then cook the mayor’s preference for skinless broiled chicken fingers.

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