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Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary.
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Bad art or at least trite art headed to The Museum of Bad Art?
A City of Quincy Image

It is not often that the South Short broadsheet beats Quincy Quarry News to exposé breaking badly bad news© in Quincy, much less also the local tabloid — sorta/kinda anyway — involving the Koch Maladministration.

Even rarer still does anything grifted by the Koch Maladministration shock the seen just about seen it all grizzled Quincy Quarry News news crew. 

In particular, Mayor Koch’s disrespecting of the unarguably valid views of a retired forty year member of the Quincy Police Department and now a City of Quincy ward councillor.

Even so, the celestial aspect of a harmonic convergence of a hat trick occasionally happens and this Quincy Quarry story addresses this hen’s tooth of a rarity.

The event or rather a larger set of events?

The triggering event of what has become a still metastasizing kerfuffle is Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s plans to install two ten foot tall bas relief statutes on the exterior of the impending $172 million new Quincy Police Department headquarters.

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Stalin bites the dust, ends up in the dustbin of history whatever …
A Nino Chibchiuri/Reuters image

On top of what is readily argued to be bad art commissioned by Mayor Koch with his go to Soviet-trained and thus Stalinist School sculptor, the gobsmacking problems are that Koch has spent or has obligated the spending of likely over a million dollars all costs duly counted to be paid for with tax dollars on so-called art of a couple of Roman Catholic saints who are the patron saints of firefighters and police officers, respectively.

So what for the fact that such new displays of religious artwork on public buildings are constitutionally proscribed by the Establishment Clause of the US Constitution, state statute, and a massive body of germane case law.

Then again, such a blatant disregard of the rule of law is only to be expected as the rules “… are more like guidelines than rules” in Quincy during the unbridled reign of the Koch Maladministration.

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