A City of Quincy Quincy 400 graphic

— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary.


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Quincyopoly, monopoly, crony capitalism — whatever …
A City of Quincy Quincy 400 image

The City of Quincy finally landed a major sponsor for the yearlong Quincy 400 anniversary of a sort five weeks into the four hundredth year after the beginning of settlement of what was originally known as Braintree by likely undocumented British migrants.

All in all, better late than never even if the city’s announcement has spun the notion of a glass half full to arguably a whole new level of spin.

In any event, who is the sponsor?

A second-tier regional bank with branches mostly in New England and twenty-five branches in Florida to help take care its snowbird customers.

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Show us the money!
A meme

It must further as well as ironically be noted that this bank is the US subsidiary of a Spanish bank with the same name.

The amount laid out to be a major sponsor, however, was not provided.

After all, one can only assume that the price of admission was marked down to reflect that some of the year has already past and such markdowns from the rack rate are embarrassing if publicized.

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“A City On The Move” hosts a two holer!
An iconic Quincy Quarry News image

Similarly, just what comes from the sponsorship as Quincy 400 has precious little scheduled for the rest of the year on its calendar.

In short, so much for duly taking care of business on something that was first announced eight years ago.

Then again, if the Koch Maladministration is known for anything, it is spending big even if funding is thin or at least hard to follow as well as outcomes often slow to show.

For example, the long stumbling along redevelopment of Quincy Center. 

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