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— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary.


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At the podium
A Boston Globe old file photo

Monday morning past when most of the general public other than the retired could not readily attend, Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch presented the mandatory State of the City Address in Old City Hall before a friendly crowd of fraught with the usual fawning suspects.

Fortunately, productivity probably improved given the absence at work of those who were instead present at the State of the City Address.

In any event, Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch phoned in a reading of a selected individuals from the history of Quincy instead of recounting the recent state of the City of Quincy nor much on its future.

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“A City on the Move” takes a dump?
An iconic Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

For someone who has long talked up his plans for a new Quincy, the change was curious. 

Most curious as a matter of fact.

Then again, with many of his often profligate plans far more often than not not working out, changing the subject might have been viewed as the way to go.

At the same time, little was said of Quincy’s two most influential residents — former Presidents John Adams and John Quincy Adams.
Very little as a matter of fact.
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The view from the cheap seats
An old Quincy Quarry News file photo

Then again, perhaps he did not care to bring up how his plans for a surely solidly into nine figures Adams Family center that has he kept changing its name and mission statement description as not only does sufficient funding not appear to be happening, he is mired in a looking likely low-eight-figure damages payout mess of his own doing as regards the initial stage of this latest of his grandiose as well as typically wicked expensive plans.
Seriously expensive plans.

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