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— News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added
Things continue to fly from the fan and then splat on Quincy’s peerless mayor.
Further, what hit home this past week was also ultimately care of the Koch Machine’s misdoings.
First up, in what the fifth try this season to deal with a snow event, a solid response was mounted.
Even more favorable, the response to this snow event was greatly aided by the fact that the snow fell overnight on a Sunday before a holiday.Monday.
Further favorable, the storm was well-forecast in advance as well as then played out all but exactly as predicted in addition to ending up to be but a middling snowfall.
In other words, a near perfect storm..
In turn, a solid response was actually rolled out for a change.
At the same time, mistakes made resulted in a grade of B – for the response.
Then again, a B – is arguably the high water mark in recent years, all things duly considered.
Next up, at Tuesday’s City Council meeting the mayor had to present a formal ask to correct a mistake-filled home rule petition that had approved last month and then submitted to the Statehouse to extend the lease of city land underneath the Granite Links golf course to the course’s operators until into the next century.
The mistakes?
All manner of terms that were eliminated when the original proposal was presented to the City Counsel somehow or another ended up in the package presented to the statehouse for its review and approval.
The resurrected text was found by private citizens even though surely the return of text all favorable to the golf course operators was surely but a coincidence.
In any event, the proposal is said to have been meet with a hard no from one of the mayor’s brothers-in-law who just happens to be the State Senator for Quincy, not to mention that the proposal was submitted a week after the official deadline for submission.
In short as well as yet again: Only in Quincy …
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