A Quincy Quarry News Citizen Snow Monitor image

— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary.


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Plowing or getting plowed?
An iconic Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

Quincy Quarry News’ original plan was to quickly publish its coverage of last weekend’s declared snow emergency and to this end it rolled out a maximum deployment of Quarry personnel.

In particular, the Quarry’s Photo Recon Team Six let the sleds dogs out to survey the impact of the likely deepest snowfall of the season to date and the team delivered.

Delivered big time.

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Quincy Quarry News lets its dogs out!
An Endurance Kennels image

For example, the following gallery of images selected from among many.

So considerable and through was the Quincy Quarry’s snow team trekking through the snow that it was decided to do a through review and grading of the city’s response instead of just a quick Quarry story.

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One of the few handicapped parking spaces near City Hall
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

Quincy Quarry News personnel assigned to report on the condition of local streets after the snow fell found primary arterials in surprisingly to arguably gobsmackingly good order early in the morning after the overnight snowfall had ceased, busier neighborhood streets at least well-plowed, and lesser neighborhood streets at least serviceably cleared, problems.were found.

Conversely, the usual piling of snow plowed into handicapping parking spaces near City Hall in Quincy Center was yet again found to be piled high with snow.

At the same time, the City must be commended for an all but unprecedented clearing of sidewalks in and around Quincy Square in Quincy Center. 

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Cleared for a change!
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

Of special note, the very rarely cleared of snow sidewalks around the perimeter of the main Thomas Crane Library were for a change plowed even if not also duly salted. 

Then again, salt appears to be reserved for both Kim Jong Koch Plaza, formerly known as the Hancock Adams Green, adjacent to City Hall and City Hall’s all but empty VIP parking lot as both were well-salted even though it was a national holiday Monday and thus also a holiday for City Hall employees.

On the other hand, Kim Jong Koch Plaza Snow Team Six dropped the plow as it failed to detail the exterior of the mayor’s city ride as per standard operation procedure after a snow event.

These snow clearing shortcomings notwithstanding, overall city officials and snow removal workers finally did manage to effect a solid response to the fifth snow event of the season after variously floundering during the first four snow events of the season.

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The mayor’s city ride covered with snow
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

Then again, it definitely helped that this snow event was a well-forecast, if not also well-nigh perfect storm as its middling snowfall fell overnight on a Sunday that was followed by a holiday Monday.

Even so, there was an apparent inexcusable fail: reports of a fail by the city to do a push cellphone snow emergency announcement to locals.  Granted, word of a snow emergency was distributed in other ways, a texted also announcement pushed out to locals surely would proven helpful to at least some who had their rides towed.

Snow emergency – I’m confused
byu/Illustrious_Pay_4970 inQuincyMa

In turn, such a corroborated diss behooves a full grade lower grade for the highest possible grade for the snow removal effort.

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Best grade in a decade?
A still image from a YouTube

Further, given yet again piling up snow in handicapped parking, it is only proper to give the Koch Maladministration a B – for the Martin Luther King Jr weekend snowfall clearing.

On the bright side, a B – is arguably the best grade seen by the City of Quincy since at least after the Winter of 2015.

In short, so close but at the same time no cigar.

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