A Russell Cheyne Livepic/Reuters image
— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary
In what was one perhaps both the most amusing and at the same time hard hitting dope slapping of the Koch Maladministration, the Koch Machine has to seek to resubmit for reconsideration first by the City Council and then resubmit to by the Great and General Court for its consideration the maladministration’s highly controversial lease extension of the City of Quincy-owned land underneath the tony Granite Links golf course in West Quincy’s Quarry Hills adjacent to the Blue Hills Reservation.
In what must admittedly be conceded to be “Inside City Hall,” after first grifting approval of a home rule petition to both amend and extend by fifty years the current lease agreement for city land out for over eighty years and thus into the next century, the Koch Machine then filed the errant original home rule petition for a lease extension with the state legislature a week after the filing deadline.
Even more problematic, the Koch Machine was caught by local Citizen Political Activists submitting an underlying new lease agreement key to the home rule petition that was not the agreement approved by the City Council, not that the council was engaged in the calling out of the maladministration for submitting the wrong agreement and instead one which is substantially more favorable to the operators of the golf course.
When called out on the errata, the mayor’s consiglieri claimed that the incorrect lease proposal submitted was a scrivener’s error sort of mistake, however, scrivener’s errors are more instances of mistaking going with the wrong there when their was the right spelling or perhaps transposing some numbers as opposed to koching up whole passages that should have been either deleted or massively revised.
In turn, such is why a second vote by the City Council to see the lease extension text back to what was supposed to originally be agreed.
In extension, how badly were the home rule petition submitted and the errata in it viewed on Beacon Hill?
The arguably ranking member of the Quincy delegation to the General Court who should be the point person lobbying for passage of the home rule petition to extend the lease made it clear that he will not move the petition forward as submitted in spite of the fact that he is the mayor’s brother-in-law.
Needless to say, Quincy Quarry News’ ever-growing readers can count on the Quarry to follow this curious story and report updates as appropriate.
So was it really an error or just a n inept try to sneak something by? I’m going with door #2.