Image via KSL News Radio
— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary
After a rocky start to the New Year — for Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch anyway, things have gone quiet on the mean, recently cold and soon to be snowy streets of Quincy.
So rocky have things been for Mayor Koch in at least recent weeks that he has only been heard on the always favorable for him QATV podcast and quoted in the similarly all but invariably friendly local weekly tabloid.
In short, one can only assume that the arguably access limited mayor is most likely appreciative of the how the long holiday Martin Luther King Jr Day weekend, the impending inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump on Martin Luther King Jr. day are further quieting the usually quite weekend news cycle as well as taking up most of the already limited oxygen available to the media over weekends.
Plus, the Los Angeles fires continue to burn and so consume most any stray oxygen.
Needless to say, ponder the ironies.
In any event, the big news locally this weekend is that a Snow Emergency has been declared to commence Sunday at 5 pm.
As such, Quincy Quarry News is going to survey the inventory of bread and eggs at local supermarkets so as to garner a sense as to just how many locals may have laid in supplies to weather the impending long holiday weekend snowfall event.
On an interesting note, my street, a side street, has been plowed and treated down to bare pavement. Cutting the cards or flipping the coin worked in my favor this time. The Ouija Board indicates that this could merely be a fluke, a mistaken pass with a plow, or it could indicate a trend, but who knows? Next time may well bring a different result.
Fred, the fifth time is the charm? Seriously, it was the perfect modest as well as perfectly-timed storm. How perfect? Holiday weekend pay perfect.
That’s the most likely scenario.
Go glass half full. City officials FINALLY pulling off a proper clearing of snow from local streets AND in a timely fashion resets the bar.
Half full of what? That’s the question.