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— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary.


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This is what happens if brine is spread but no snow shows
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

Quincy Quarry personnel out and about on the ever-increasingly mean as well as lately freezing streets of Quincy yesterday were surprised to see mostly but primary roadways brined with those adjacent to City Hall brined to a level that evoked what Rome is said to have done to salt to Carthage after winning the Punic Wars in 146 BC.

Apparently after at best dropping the plow as well as road salt late at best in response to the three snow events in Quincy so far this winter season, the City of Quincy opted to spray brine yesterday even though a viable possibility of snow was neither forecast — much less did it fall — and thus the City of Quincy went 0 for 4 with its snow response efforts.

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A senior City Hall official
Image via Facebook

At best, a very few random snow flakes were seen yesterday but what little that was seen was nowhere comparable to the two-legged flakes piled up inside of Quincy’s City Hall and so dining at the public trough.

Further, the amount of brine spread quickly became thin as one traveled away from the immediate proximity of City Hall.

Fortunately, no snow fell and then stuck with the brine spread yesterday thus the latest waste of tax money by the Koch Maladministration.

Then again, a little OT for snow removal workers is usually appreciated.

Especially as their holiday shopping bills come due.

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Less brine as one travels away from City Hall
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

That and some revenue for outside snow removal vendors so that they are better able to cover their donations to certain local politicians’ campaign funds.

Needless to say, with the forecast of perhaps an inch to perhaps two inches of snow falling in the Boston area tomorrow, Quincy Quarry News will thus be closely monitoring what the City of Quincy might do or yet again might not do in response to the expected snowfall.

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