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— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary.


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Examining evidence
A Free Republic image

Details regarding alleged embezzlement of funds by the former head of the City of Quincy Elder Services Department continue to come to the fore, if not also are metastasizing into an epic scandal even by local standards.

For example, the total amount of allegedly embezzled funds has already more than doubled from the originally cited figure of roughly $55,000.00 to just short of $120,000.00 per the US Attorney’s indictment of the alleged embezzler. 

At the same time, given that the indictment cited that the investigation is still underway, one should not be surprised the alleged total amount of funds embezzled and otherwise misappropriated goes even higher.

In the meanwhile, two misuses of funds in particular pose obvious concerns, if not also heighten the scandal.

One is how just short of $7,500 is alleged to have been spent for the benefit of a “female friend” of the accused and she is referred to as Witness #1 in the indictment.

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So, I would assume that Witness #1 is cooperating with the prosecution
A Paramount Television image

Further troubling is that the indictment notes that roughly $810.00 in city funds is alleged to have been used to buy twenty fleeces bearing the custom embroidered phrase “Divine Men of Mercy” and which were allegedly given to members members of  a men’s church group headed by Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch and the groups membership include the City of Quincy Department of Public Works, the City of Quincy Director of Municipal Finance, and various other senior city officials with most all of them long time associates if not also friends of the mayor.

In turn, Quincy Quarry thus has sourced an image featuring one of the fleeces allegedly bought with fleeced city fund an then some to most of which were then distributed to city officials.

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A fleece bought with fleeced funds, right; Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch in a gray sport coat, center right
Image via Facebook

In short, Only in Quincy …

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Only the alleged perp is facing a hotter grilling …
Image via omlaw.com.ua.

Needless to say, Quincy Quarry News’ ever-growing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry to continue to follow both the money as well as the larger sordid scandal and report updates when and as appropriate.

Also needless to say, readers should expect hot and juicy coverage as hot and juicy was were the 153 pounds of bourbon steak tips allegedly bought with $1665.00 of purloined city funds.

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