Featured image is an old Columbia Pictures image
— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary.
Details regarding the alleged embezzlement of City of Quincy funds by the former head of the City of Quincy Elder Services Department continue to come to the fore, if not also are metastasizing into an epic scandal even by local standards.
For example, the total amount of allegedly embezzled funds has already more than doubled from the originally cited figure of roughly $55,000.00 to just short of $120,000.00 per the US Attorney’s indictment of the alleged embezzler.
At the same time, given that the indictment noted that the investigation is still underway, no one should be surprised if the total amount of funds allegedly embezzled or otherwise purloined goes even higher.
In the meanwhile, two misuses of funds in particular pose obvious concerns, if not also heighten the scandal.
One is how just short of $7,500 is alleged to have been spent for the benefit of a “female friend” of the accused and who is referred to as Witness #1 in the indictment.

“Follow the money” — ALWAYS follow the money
Image via oxycom.com
While uncertain at this point, referring to someone as a numbered witness in an indictment indicates that the woman will likely be a witness for the prosecution if the case goes to trial.
Further troubling is that the indictment notes that roughly $810.00 in purported purloined city funds is alleged to have been used to buy twenty-seven fleeces bearing the custom embroidered phrase “Divine Men of Mercy” and then these alleged fleeced fleeces were given to members of a men’s church group headed by Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch.

So, I would assume that Witness #1 and Witness #2 are cooperating with the prosecution
A Paramount Television image
Further troubling, the group’s membership has been reported to include the City of Quincy Department of Public Works Commissioner, the City of Quincy Director of Municipal Finance as well as is further understood to include various other senior city officials with at least many of them long time associates — if not also longtime personal friends — of Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch.
In turn, Quincy Quarry News is now able to scoop its media brethren with an image featuring one of the fleeces allegedly bought with fleeced city funds care of an image dimed its way.
In short, as well as gobsmackingly yet again: Only in Quincy …

A fleece purportedly bought with fleeced funds, far right; Quincy Mayor Koch in a gray sport coat, center right
Image via Facebook

Only the alleged perp is facing a hotter grilling …
Image via omlaw.com.ua.
Needless to say, Quincy Quarry News’ ever-growing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry to continue to follow both the money as well as the larger sordid scandal and report updates when and as appropriate.
Also needless to say, readers should expect hot and juicy coverage as hot and juicy as were the 153 pounds of bourbon steak tips bought with $1,665.00 of allegedly purloined city funds.
Quincy, where municipal budgets double as personal piggy banks! Nothing says “public service” like dropping taxpayer cash on steak tips, cozy fleeces, and some questionable “friendship-building” expenses. It’s like the city’s version of “Lifestyles of the Rich and Shameless,” but with way worse optics.
But hey, at least we know where our tax dollars are going: not to schools, infrastructure, or public services, but to fuel someone’s weirdly curious shopping spree. Who needs accountability when you’ve got steak tips and a fleece to keep you warm while the public trust crumbles?
Just a tip for the next fleecer: maybe try subtlety. Or better yet, just don’t. Quincy deserves better, though it’s starting to feel like we’re doomed to continue to suffer rides on the scandal carousel, fleece by fleece.
Every department in the city should be audited, automatically without questions — EVERY department
The former head of the City of Quincy Elder Services Department has demonstrated he has the proper skills to run for Mayor of Quincy and make a successful transition from our current Mayor.
$120,000.00 and counting, three million in missing pension funds and the list goes on and on and on even longer. Koch and his rubber stamp council are fleecing the tax payers. Last week’s council meeting lasted less the sixty minutes. Why you ask does Koch control the agenda and keep all the big issues under the covers?
I recently reviewed various campaign fund reports and it was very interesting to see how many thousands of dollars Fox Rocks peeps have dropped on the campaign fund accounts of Councillors Harris, McCarthy, Devine and Campbell — no clue, however, what Fox Rocks dropped on DiBona as he typically does not provide his list the donors until later in the month. Rest assured, however, that Fox Rocks and other developers have sent thousands of dollars to him as well.
This is the year to send these guys packing before Koch bankrupts The City of Quincy as the current cast of councilors will never deny Koch’s profligate spending as they have no spines.
Respectfully, a minor quibble: the City of Quincy pension fund cyberheist scored $3.5 million.
Further, who only knows how much more has been lost in the way of investment returns not accrued given the apparently unrecovered or otherwise reimbursed theft of three and a half large.
As a pro forma spitball assuming a reasonable rate of return expectation of 6.5% a year and no funds recovered, the loss of a return on the three and a half large stolen works out to a bit over $700,000 in total to date.