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Yet another Quincy Center retail business fleeing the Q?
Eastern Retail Properties image

Last call for shopping locally for better quality naughty nurse and Batman costumes?

Or shopping locally for much of anything else for that matter.

In any event, this Halloween season could be it for shopping for better quality Halloween costumes and related ephemera.

Courtesy of a sharp-eyed Quincy Quarry News reader comes word that the landlord for Party City’s location in Quincy Center would appear to be looking for a new tenant.

Even worse, no word of Party City relocating to a new location.

Locally, that is.

In any event, Quincy Quarry News’ ever-growing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry to keep an eye out for word of a store closing sale so that one can stock up on favorite Halloween and fantasy costumes.

After all, this time of the year is not only spicy for things pumpkin spice.

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