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— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary


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Fishing while one still can what with winter coming
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While Breaking Badly Bad News© continues to break on the long suffering residents of Quincy, Quincy Quarry News was distracted from fully reporting on the news of the week past given all manner of distractions.

While no excuse, distractions happen.

Even so, Quincy Quarry did break an exclusive about a shooting in Wollaston that rolled all the way to North Quincy in the vicinity of the Stop and Rob supermarket.

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Quietly planting trees without the usual fanfare
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

Next up, the Quarry broke yet another exclusive and this time the exposé is about how the Koch Maladministration quietly on the down low replaced young saplings along Washington Street that were callously destroyed by the neglectful and worse maladministration.

As Quincy Quarry News’ ever=growing legions of loyal readers will recall, the Quarry has busted the Koch Machine in an hard hitting to the stones series of exposés over the past two years.

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Pigging out at the public trough
A Melissa K. Norris

And finally for the money shots of the week, Quincy Quarry first skewered and then grilled Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch as well as city council members over their trying to downplay their problematically grifting themselves grossly outsized pay raises by deferring them in at best only partial deference to applicable law.

Then again, koch and mirrors is only to be expected out of City Hall during the problematic reign of La Kocha Nostra.

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