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— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary
Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch announced at the annual law day at Quincy District Courthouse on Friday that he and city council members had agreed to defer their impending outsized pay raises come the first of the year given considerable public outcry.
Mayor Koch was looking at an 89% raise come the new year as regards his W-2 form salary which sets his pension benefits with councillors looking at a roughly 50% raise and which works out to a roughly doubling of their pay since Mayor Koch’s last raise over a decade ago as the councillors scored an intermediate raise a few years ago.
No clue, however, how the mayor and the councillors came to this said to be joint decision without violating Open Meeting Law regulations as regards larger group meetings behind closed doors.
In any event, the announced plan is to defer the raise for city councillors until the start of the next term for coucillors and for the mayor upon the event of the start of the next mayoral term in 2028.
So what, however, for the fact that the announced deferred raises as well as previous ones will remain open to challenge.
Needless to say, Quincy Quarry News’ ever-growing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry to continue to follow this sordid story and report updates as appropriate.
Time to clean house and elect new officials across the board
Voter registration and turnout is extremely low. That is a good focus. There will be a new QATV series in time for the election, to educate the voters and get higher registration and turnout. A Call to Action-Quincy Civics 101
Do not understand this move by the mayor and the council. Certainly not from the outcry of the public, too late for that they have already riled the public the pullback will not undo that anger.
The stage is now set for a few of the sitting councilors to be sent packing in the next election. Given three votes are cast for the at large position one or two new candidates could get the vote of the angered voting block and remove one or two of the sitting at large councilors.
The most likely candidate to go would be Noel DiBona with Nina Liang and Scott Campbell as the toss ups. DiBona was very vocal in favor of the raises while also looking to secure a second government position paying in the $150,000.00 range. The voters overwhelmingly rejected DiBona (and his signs that trashed the city all summer) this past September the momentum may continue once his greedy grab of government dollars is reintroduced.
And as for Liang and Campbell their support of the raises will also haunt them with the voters. The strength and appeal of the challengers will decide the future of councilors Liang and Campbell.
Completely agree with Howard’s comments about councilor DiBona and his antics on the city council.
IMO he lacks the depth of knowledge and seriousness required to represent a city and its taxpayers. Unfortunately, he’s not the only one up there that jumps to do whatever the administration wants.
The icing on the cake was when “Dopey“ decided he was “smahta” than Registrar O’Donnell. Definitely a narcissistic personality.
Now now Howard — be nice to Boner.
Quincy’s leaders are really stepping up—by not taking those gigantic raises after public outrage. What a heroic sacrifice! I mean, they only had to wait until the entire city pointed out that it might be, I don’t know, wildly inappropriate to give themselves fat pay bumps while the rest of us are out here trying to make rent and dodge potholes.
But don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll bring up those raises again once we’re distracted by the next overpriced apartment complex going up. A selfless move, really—nothing says “servant of the people” like trying to line your pockets until you get caught.
Completely agree with Howard’s comments regarding councilor DiBona.
His seemingly lack of knowledge and seriousness of the issues affecting the city and its taxpayers is troubling.
Perhaps his hack job with Morrissey is too much to juggle the council job and cutting lawns.
Well looks like Mayor Koch and Coucilor Cain lied to the Citizens of Quincy. They did not choose to delay the raises. Rather, the State was investigating the process and found them in violation of the law. Shame on the Mayor and the councilor as this is an example in how they lead with misrepresentation. They both need to step aside now. The city has a bad reputation with all the back room deals and now this comes out. Shame.
Mayor Kock you need to resign NOW!!!!!!
Looks like Honest Tom got caught & of course the City Solicitor, gave bad advice. which of course any of his (Bum Kissers) appointees would do to keep their jobs. Imagine the taxpayers paid a consultant to tell Tom he needed an 80 percent raise. Tom should be reimbursing the taxpayers for the consultant ( who likely appears on his campaign donation forms.) Trump’s Garbage Truck should take a ride to Quincy City Hall & take out the trash. All the trash that is forced to donate to his campaign. All the bum kissers Such a dirty City. The City of Presidents for Tom means how many Presidents $$$ each appointee & anyone who wants anything gives.
Respectfully, while many feel that “Dim” Timmins is a dim bulb, there is the possibility that he is doing what he is told to do by an even dimmer bulb.
Next, Koch has set up an 89% raise for the mayor in 2028. The oft-cited 79% figure is based on improperly adding a $7k bennie into the mix which was part of his old comp package but is now covered otherwise.
In short as well as yet again, koch and mirrors.
CITY CHARTER: Elected Officials should read it.