— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary
After two warm seasons of Quincy Quarry News taking the Koch Maladministration to well-warranted task for first failing to duly water young saplings along Washington Street in Quincy Point during a brutal drought two summers ago and then last summer chainsawing both those that had died of dehydration as well as those that miraculously managed to survive dry times, the Koch Machine has quietly endeavored a replacement tree program for those run threw a wood chipper.
In turn, while quietly done on the down low, Quincy Quarry News can only properly give some opening but still tentative props for this do-over so as to endeavor to address the woeful lack of a tree canopy in Quincy Point and so help, however modestly, offset climate change as well as mitigate a major greenhouse gas.

Note tree trunk in the middle of the bed and fresh cuts in the sidewalk
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
For example, cuts were made in the sidewalk pavement to make for larger planter beds so that the new trees might see more storm water runoff.as well as have more ground surface for water absorption when the new trees might be irrigated.
Also, larger trees are being planted.
Additionally, a different mix of trees poses the potential that perhaps more appropriate tree species might be planted this time.
Further, the new trees are much more robustly staked and which is essential to properly establish a new tree.
At the same time, missing was the usual photo op presser with a chrome shovel while Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch (yet again, ed.) shovels it.
Then again, a photo op on a do-over would surely be a bad idea.
Plus, with the fall season upon us, it will not be possible to determine an initial survival rate for the new trees until next spring as well as then subsequent assessments to see if they can then survive a couple of summers and so can become well-rooted.
Needless to say, Quincy Quarry News’ ever-growing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry to report updates as appropriate on this years’ series of exposés of arboreal abuse by the City of Quincy.
It is good to see they finally planted those trees that died while the DPW held them in storage. Now that they have the dead trees planted, they are getting their chain saws sharpened up now.
Wait, what’s this? Something actually got done on Washington Street without the usual fanfare? No ribbon-cutting ceremony, no photo-op with the mayor holding a chainsaw like he’s auditioning for a horror movie remake? Color me shocked! Usually, you can’t replace a dead tree around here without Mayor Koch showing up to declare it a citywide victory.
But I guess even City Hall can’t spin “Finally fixing something we let rot for ages” into a grand political achievement this time. Maybe we should be grateful it only took a chainsaw and public outcry to get things done — just without the usual Koch circus. What’s next, fixing the potholes quietly? Now that would be a miracle.