— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary


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A residential street in Quincy Point
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

Road and below grade utilities reconstruction is underway most everywhere in Quincy.

This construction season’s road rework entails all manner of work on the major local arterial roadways of Adams Street, Coddington Street, Furnace Brook Parkway, Hannon Parkway, Hancock Street, Newport Avenue, Quincy Avenue, Sea Street, Southern Artery, lesser arterials such as East Howard Street, and who only knows how many residential streets.

In turn, City Hall has talked up all of these road projects as, well, a deflection so as to endeavor to mitigate understandable complaints.

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Quincy Mayor Koch’s redone years ago street in North Quincy
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo

At the same as well as amazingly, to the best to of Quincy Quarry News understanding anyway, Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s Chief of Staph and other communicable diseases Pinocchio Pinocchio Walkbacker has not tried to shovel it that all of the roadwork underway this year is also a key component of a citywide traffic calming initiative.

At the same time, however, no word has been offered as to why so many projects on almost all major local streets are underway this year and especially this month while the Red Line is shutdown for major repairs.

Further, how all of these projects are going baits additional questions. 

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Anyone seen the Ward One City Councillor?
A Quincy Quarry reader’s public service announcement meme

For example as well as in particular, mId-Sea Street’s reconstruction  has not only been a hot mess, Quincy Quarry’s construction consultant has advised Quincy Quarry that the general contractor on this project looks to be variously out of compliance with the project’s contract and permitting terms. 

Even so, local officials appear to be letting things slide.  After all, campaign fund donations matter.

In particular as regards municipal sloth, the key person who should be stepping up to the plate on behalf of impacted Houghs Neck and Post Island residents has instead yet again been missing.

Further troubling is how Quincy Quarry News is unaware of any duly scheduled rework of Whitwell Street as at this point it is a pothole patched run of pavement masquerading as an important local roadway.

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A sideways porta potty at FoxRock’s Hospital Hill apartment construction project
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo

Similarly, Quincy Quarry is unaware of any word if Foxrock will be contributing to the cost of any eventual road renewal of Whitwell.

After all, the construction of Foxrock’s outsized and posterior ugly five hundred-plus apartment complex where once Quincy had its only hospital is a key to the prime reason going away for Whitwell to be one of the bumpiest runs of road in Quincy.

Further problematic is how after over sixteen years in office one can only fairly wonder why the Koch Maladministration is so far behind the curve on what is one of the most basic of municipal services: taking care of local streets.

After all, Braintree and Weymouth streets are in good condition, not to mention that drivers’ and their passengers’ tuchuses can readily sense when passing from bumpy to worse Quincy streets to the typically smooth Milton and Weymouth streets and vice versa.

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Tukas pillow. $22.68 at Walmart.com!
Image via Walmart

Further embarrassing for the Koch Maladministration, even the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation is doing a much better job of maintaining its runs of Furnace Brook Parkway and Quincy Shore Drive as well as a bit of Willard Street than is the City of Quincy is doing with all of the other local streets.

In any event, pretty much only local auto repair and tire shops, paving contractors, and police officers working construction details are making out nicely.

Making out like, well, bandits.

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