Image via Newsweek
— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary


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Stay classy Quincy!
An Apatow Productions image

Quincy Quarry News went online in the summer of 2014 and is thus now beginning its second decade of e-publication, much to the chagrin of primarily Quincy figures deserving of exposure as to what they really are.

Over the years, Quincy Quarry’s hard-hitting to the stones exposés have found fans of the Quarry’s often deservedly snarky coverage and so tightening the knickers of those exposéd for cause and for some often.

| quincy news

Humpty Dumpty’s little bro …
Image via WHDH ss

At the same time, the Quarry has long as well as generously shared tips with other members of the NewsGuild when appropriate to see these tips enjoy wider as well as well-deserved exposure.

Needless to say, the Quarry’s critics have long tried to discredit this reporting style but such has only underscored their overweening narcissism and penchant for kayfaybe as “… facts are stubborn things …” as well as can and should stand on their own even if admittedly cheeky in their presentation.
“Satire is traditionally the weapon of the powerless against the powerful.” – Molly Ivins

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